This was so wonderful

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By: Anonymous woman


LC-27 - Sources:
  • Frits Bernard (1980) Das pädophile Dasein. Möglichkeiten und Beispiele sexueller Beziehung. In: Hohmann, Pädophilie Heute.

  • Frits Bernard (1982). Kinderschänder? Pädophilie — von der Liebe mit Kindern. 3. verbesserte und ergänzte Auflage. Berlin: Foerster Verlag.

A 45-year-old woman recalls how she was already drawn to sex as a young girl and how she tried to fool around with older boys, fantasizing about engaging in true orgies with them, while masturbating, from the age of eight. When she was in fourth grade she fell in love with a young teacher. From then on, she felt that boys were ridiculous in comparison.

At age 11, they got a subtenant in his late 30s and she was often home alone with him. She tried to seduce him for a long time, until one night he finally gave in to her. He undressed her when they were alone.

“We played with each other for a long time, and we also had intercourse. This was so wonderful, that from that moment onwards, I was often thinking about sex when I met men, and this resulted in numerous fleeting sexual contacts. At age 19, I got married. […] I've never regretted this, on no occasion, and my eldest daughter has the same predisposition.”

Frits Bernard reports that she consented to a psychological test, which did not reveal anything unusual.

* (I owe this case to the efforts of Cyril Galaburda.)

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