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In Newsletter E 12
Augustus 2001a

01-022 @

PDF: 169 kb, 37 pp;

Word: 268 kb, 27 pp


Kommision der Europaïschen Hemeinschaften, Brüssel, 22-1-01, Mitteilung der Kommission an den Rat und das Europaïschen Parlament:
Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels und Bekämpfung der sexuellen Ausbeutung von Kindern und der Kinderpornographie.

Vorschlag für einen Rahmenbeschluss des Rates zur Bekämpfung des Menschenhandels.

Vorschlag für einen Rahmenbeschluss des Rates zur Bekämpfung der sexuellen Ausbeutung von Kindern und der Kinderpornographie

01-023 @ 14 Kb From: Austrian Society for Sexology, To: President Romano Prodi European Commission Brussels, Belgium 29 May, 2001
Re: Proposal for a Council framework decision on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. (01-022)
01-024 @  2pp Reply from EU Commission to Austrian Society for Sexology (01-023)
01-025 @       2 pp From: DGSS = German Society for Social Scientific Sex Research, to: European Commission.
Re: Proposal for... (01-022)
01-026 @ 246 Kb

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, 1999-200, Temporary Committee on the ECHELON Interception System, 4 May 2001,
in preparation for a report on the existence of a global system for intercepting private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system).
Rapporteur: Gerhard Schmid

01-027a @
51 Kb PDF
Système national de filtrage; protéger nos enfants contre les agressions sexuels (Canada)
01-027b @ 49 Kb PDF Canada's national screening system; protecting our children against sexual abuse
01-028 @ 54 Kb PDF Protecting our children from sexual abuse, Federal action (Canada)
01-029 @ 12 Kb

From DSM IV - TR (Revisited), Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders, p 571-2; 302.2 Pedophilia

Care for us and accept us, we are all human beings
By Nkosi Johnson - January 9, 2001
Hi, my name is Nkosi Johnson. I live in Melville, Johannesburg, South Africa. I am 11 years old and I have full-blown Aids. I was born HIV-positive.
01-031  @

Submission to the Government Administration Committee for an inquiry into the operation of the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993 and related issues, By Gerald Moonen, New Zealand, 30 April 2001

Numbers 32 - 66 are Dutch documents
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