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June 2021
Filip Schuster - Lexikon der Pädophilie-Irrtümer, Ipce 2014 - Russian Translation.
July 2020
Bernard, Frits, Russian Translation of: "Kinderschänder? — Pädophilie: Von der Liebe mit Kindern", der Förster Verlag GmbH, 1980.
March 2018
The article Explanation of the statistics (of the Meta Analysis by Rind c.s.), written by Frans Gieles, PhD, is now translated into Russian by Cyril Galaburda.
August 2017
Quotes from Self-identifications, sexual development and well-being in minor-attracted people: an exploratory study
by Brian Martin Cash, August 2016
Most research on sexual attraction to minor children and adolescents has viewed this phenomenon as a pathology, and has used clinical and forensic study populations. This study seeks to conceptualize minor attraction as a sexual orientation, and uses a sample of minor- attracted people recruited from the internet (N = 160). Participants’ sexual identities, sexual attractions, disclosures, and well-being are investigated.
Results indicate that minor-attracted people have varied experiences, but common themes that emerged in these areas are discussed. Regarding well-being, minor-attracted people in general had higher loneliness and lower self- esteem than the general public. But positive disclosure experiences and having some level of attraction towards adults were related to lower loneliness, and more accepting attitudes towards sex between adults and children were found to be related to higher self-esteem. In general, findings supported the conceptualization of minor attraction as a sexual orientation. [... ... ...]
August 2016
Schuster, Filip; Kinderpornografie: Die mysteriöse
12-Milliarden-"Schätzung" von ECPAT - 8.7.2016, creative commons
Im April 2016 erschien in der wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie der Artikel Kinderpornografie. Übersicht und aktuelle Entwicklungen. [*1]. Die Autoren Irina Franke und Marc Graf schreiben in dem Artikel:
"Schätzungen zufolge werden mit Kinderpornografie global jährlich zwischen 3 und 20 Mrd. US-$ umgesetzt (Ropelato 2006; Bourke und Hernandez 2009; UNICEF 2008)." [*2]
Diese Aussagen sind als Teil eines wissenschaftlichen Artikels in zweifacher Hinsicht ungewöhnlich.
Fazit: Der Handel mit Kinderpornografie ist nach allen seriösen Quellen ein Millionen- und kein Milliardenmarkt.
Schuster, Filip; Die perfiden Lügen des großen "Pädophilie"-"Experten" Klaus Michael Beier
16.08.2016 (creative commons nd)
Im Juli 2016 ist in einer der weltweit führenden wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften zum Thema "sexueller Kindesmissbrauch", dem "Journal of Child Sexual Abuse", ein sehr wichtiger Artikel
erschienen. Laut dem Artikel wurden 2013 in Finnland insgesamt 11.364 Minderjährige im Alter von 11 bis 12 Jahren und im Alter von 15 bis 16 Jahren zu den sexuellen Erlebnissen in ihrem Leben befragt. In dem Artikel heisst es: "Kinder, die von sexuellen Erfahrungen mit Erwachsenen berichteten, wurden auch gefragt, wie sie diese Erfahrungen anschließend empfunden haben (...). Die meisten der sexuellen Erfahrungen mit Erwachsenen wurden von den Kindern positiv (38%) wahrgenommen, auch wenn es gegen das Gesetz
Kommen wir nun zu den perfiden Lügen des Prof. Dr. Klaus Michael Beier, Direktor des Instituts für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualmedizin an der Berliner Charité und Deutschlands bekanntester "Pädophilie"-"Experte".
August 2015
Brongersma, Edward; Loving Boys - Volume 1 - Das Pädosexuelle Abenteur - Herausgegeben von Angelo Leopardi - Deutsche Ausgabe des Niederländische und Englische Bestsellers [PDF]
July 2015
Jahnke, Sara; Roland Imhoff & Juergen Hoyer - Stigmatization of People with Pedophilia: Two Comparative Surveys ; Arch Sex Behav - 20 June 2014 ,
Despite productive research on stigma and its impact on people's lives in the past 20 years, stigmatization of people with pedophilia has received little attention. We conducted two surveys estimating public stigma and determining predictors of social distance from this group. Both studies revealed that nearly all reactions to people with pedophilia were more negative than those to the other groups, including social distance. Results strongly indicate that people with pedophilia are a stigmatized group who risk being the target of fierce discrimination. We discuss this particular form of stigmatization with respect to social isolation of persons with pedophilia and indirect negative consequences for child abuse prevention.
February 2015
A(nónimo); Yo conozco un pederasta ... El Correo Catalan, Aug 25 2007
Como sabes, yo conozco un pederasta. No tiene mayor mérito: cosas del oficio. [...] Entre los pocos pederastas hay un pequeñísimo porcentaje de criminales que utiliza la violencia para satisfacer su deseo. Otra obviedad igualmente insulsa, pero imprescindible, dado que así como la violación no se identifica con el comportamiento sexualmente habitual de los adultos tampoco la inclinación pederasta debe identificarse con la violación y el asesinato. Es más, la atracción sexual por los niños no deriva siempre en una conducta que castiguen las leyes: las leyes no castigan la naturaleza, sino la conducta de las personas. [...] Mi pederasta se distinguía nítidamente de los asesinos, de los violadores y de los psicópatas. Todo ello, te lo repito, sin que dejara nunca de saber quién era: un hombre que no podía amar a los adultos.
Ayllón, Miguel Martín; Internet, paidofilia y represión; Web site Rebelión, Dec 10 2004
La atracción sexual por menores es bastante más común de lo que parece, es una pulsión sexual como cualquier otra, pero aún hoy está al nivel del tabú inconfesable. Es cierto que hay algo delicado en el sentimiento, en su relación con la realidad y el deseo. Las relaciones de adultos y niños se prestan a relaciones de poder abiertamente desiguales y, por tanto, es un deseo que difícilmente puede satisfacerse, salvo en casos excepcionales.
Pero, en ningún caso - y lo peor es que hay una mayoría de población a la que esto no le ha de parecer tan obvio -, el paidófilo no tiene un perfil potencialmente criminal ni es peligro alguno para los niños por el hecho de serlo.
Los asesinatos, abusos y agresiones contra mujeres - que son el pan de cada día -, los ejecutan hombres que entran en el canon de sexualidad socialmente admitida, adulta y hétero, donde se supone que la realización del deseo puede producirse sin forzamiento ni violencia. Por tanto, al pederasta como al maltratador, no los define ni los impulsa el deseo, por lo que el deseo no puede ser sospechoso ni criminalizable. ...
La paidofilia no es ninguna perversión. La condena de la atracción sexual hacia menores no tiene diferencia alguna con el nivel de condena de la homosexualidad hace sólo veinte años. En este sentido, el paidófilo toma hoy el relevo del monstruo, el otro, frente al que la sociedad necesita reafirmar sus elementos morales. ...
Hay que saber la clara frontera entre deseo, atracción y abuso. Estamos hablando de pederastia cuando el adulto presiona, fuerza y consume su deseo contra la voluntad del menor.
December 2014
Comment on Finkelhor's Prevention Article - By Ipce Members
- David Finkelhor
The Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Preventing Child Maltreatment Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 2009
Pariah: Fascismo sexual en Estados Unidos: , Chivos expiatorios y rechazo social
- De Counterpunch, , 2006. Traducción: Charlie D. Guevara
Hoy existen en Estados Unidos una clase de personas, las cuales suman dos millones o más, que han sido completamente transformadas en chivos expiatorios, condenadas al ostracismo, demonizadas y rechazadas. Ya no hay ninguna defensa válida para estas personas. Prácticamente nadie, ni de izquierdas ni de derechas, libertarios civiles o ciudadanos de a pie, defenderá sus derechos. Suelen ser denigradas con el lenguaje más feroz y lleno de odio, un lenguaje anteriormente reservado para las clases hoy protegidas: judíos, negros y homosexuales. Son blanco fácil de abuso y de actos de vandalismo y están sometidas al escarnio público más absoluto.
- ¿Quién es esa escoria?
- Terroristas árabes?
- ¿Fanáticos musulmanes?
No, esos criminales parecen casi bondadosos en comparación con esta chusma infame. Son la gente más terrible del mundo: ¡DELINCUENTES SEXUALES! Todavía peor, ¡muchos son PEDÓFILOS! De hecho, estos dos términos se confunden.
Dos mundos distintos: Diferencia entre abuso sexual y relaciones consentidas; Asociación Pedófila Danesa
La tabla siguiente aparecía en el sitio web, hoy inexistente, de la Asociación Pedófila Danesa, donde formaba parte de la sección titulada «Dos mundos distintos», en la que se explicaban las diferencias entre abuso sexual infantil y relaciones consentidas. En su página, la Asociación precisaba que hay que «suponer la existencia de una gran “zona gris” entre las dos situaciones opuestas que se describen» en estos once puntos.
Publicada originalmente en varios idiomas, por su interés la hemos rescatado y traducido: ....
Buenas noticias sobre el amor entre hombres y niños
NAMBLA - Este mensaje fue publicado originalmente en: http://www.nambla.org/metaanalysis.htm
- [El enlace no funciona, ya que el sitio web ha sido eliminado]
Traducción: Ipce
Un análisis recientemente publicado sobre 59 estudios distintos acerca de la sexualidad de los jóvenes acaba de aparecer en el prestigioso Psychological Bulletin. Utilizando una poderosa técnica denominada «metaanálisis», el análisis demuestra que la guerra actual contra los boylovers no tiene ninguna base científica.
Los científicos han hallado que:
Espada, Arcadi. Raval: Del amor a los niños. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2003.
Translation into catalan:
- Espada, Arcadi. Raval: De l'amor als nens. Barcelona: Empúries, 2004.
Pablo. Alicia
en el lado oscuro : La pedofilia desde la antigua
Grecia hasta la era Internet.
Los niños son y serán siempre el futuro de la sociedad. Como parte frágil de la misma y como miembros a menudo poco tenidos en cuenta, están expuestos todavía a mayores peligros que los que integramos el mundo de los adultos. El cariño o amor por los niños que supone literalmente la palabra de origen griego «pedofilia» sirve para nombrar uno de estos peligros que acechan a los más pequeños. Al mismo tiempo, la pederastia es un fenómeno antropológico que ha estado presente, de una u otra forma, en muchas culturas y sociedades.
Este libro es fruto de una investigación periodística de varios años, no una improvisación oportunista.
Fluvià, Armand de: “Era Ausiàs Marc pedòfil?”. Barcelona: «Casal Lambda» (13), 1993.
October 2014
Monde, 26 de
enero de 1977:
Durante los días 27, 28 y 29 de enero comparecerán ante la Audiencia de Yvelines, por atentado al pudor sin violencia contra menores de quince años, Bernard Dejager, Jean-Claude Gallien y Jean Burckardt, quienes fueron detenidos en otoño de 1973 y ya han permanecido más de tres años en prisión preventiva. Sólo Bernard Dejager se ha beneficiado recientemente del principio de libertad provisional.
Una prisión preventiva tan larga para instruir un simple caso de «moral» en el que los niños no han sido víctimas de la menor violencia, sino que, por el contrario, han indicado a los jueces de instrucción que habían consentido las relaciones (si bien la Justicia les niega actualmente cualquier derecho a consentir), nos parece ya de entrada escandalosa.
September 2014
Extended version of:
Jay R. Feierman (ed.)
Pedophilia: Biosocial Dimensions
Springer-Verlag, New York (1990), ISBN 0-387-97243-9
Introduction - Given in full text
Most of the lay and professional literature although voluminous, reflect a narrow anthropo-, ethno-, and chrono-centrism that precludes any real understanding of the topic with anything more than the preconceptions of our times. [...]
[...] This volume adds to this data base by including new, biosocial contribution from the perspectives of history, political science, sexology, biology, primatology, anthropology, experimental and developmental psychology, and psychiatry. What results is a transspecies, transcultural, and transhistorical perspective that gives new biosocial insights into the roots of pedophilia as the phenomenon is found in contemporary industrialized societies.
A Biosocial Overview of Adult Human Sexual Behavior with Children and
Jay R. Feierman - Given in full text
The biosocial basis of adult human sexual behavior with children and adolescents was related to culture, behavior, motivation, mood, sexual interactants, sexual attraction, and sexual arousal. The concept of the love map was related to stimulus discrimination and to stimulus fitness and potency. The relationship of the love map to love and to two components of reproductive behavior, i.e., mating effort and parental investment, was discussed.
The context in which reproductive behavior, i.e., its mating-effort and parental-investment components, occurs was used to provide an understanding of aspects of non-sexual reproductive behavior as well as non-procreative sexual behavior.
The relationship of pedophiles and ephebophiles to individuals with other erotic orientations was shown. The relationship of adult-child and adult-adolescent sexual behavior versus abuse was covered using the concepts of consent and harm.
Speculations were offered as to some possible proximate mechanisms involved in the development of pedo- and ephebophilia using the concepts developed earlier in the chapter. General conclusions were given regarding the need for conceptual and methodological caution as well as clarity in future research in this field.
Bullough V.L., History in Adult Human Sexual Behavior with Children
and Adolescents in Western Society - Quotes are given
In fact, adult/adolescent sexual behavior has not simply been tolerated throughout much of history but, in some time periods, has been the norm. This attitude can be illustrated by a brief, descriptive listing of some famous or near-famous adult individuals in history who were involved in some form of sexual behavior with at least one adolescent or near-adolescent.
Okami P.; Sociopolitical Biases in the Contemporary Scientific
Literature on Sexual Behavior with Children and Adolescents - Quotes are
This chapter explores certain tendencies within that body of vitimology-based literature sometimes referred to as the "new research" and writing on the subject of incest and child sexual abuse. [...]
Most of the writers in question view themselves not only as social scientists but also as social critics. An assumption of moral purpose, sometimes bordering on self-righteousness, repeatedly emerges from a reading of their work. Indeed, these writers typically display many of the attitudes associated with what Becker (1984) terms "moral entrepeneurs."
Chapter 11
Mackey W.C., Adult-Male/Juvenile Association as a
Species-Characteristic Human Trait: A Comparative Field Approach - Quotes
are given
The purpose of this chapter is to explore, in a systematic manner, the character, trends, and variations of the association between adult males and juveniles across a wide array of societies.
The adult-male/juvenile relationship reflects patterns of behavior that have been found in all human societies that have been studied. The systematic availability of a stable adult male to the offspring of mothers appears to be a universal event.
Chapter 14
Waal, F.B.M. de; Socio-sexual Behavior Used for Tension
Regulation in All Age and Sex Combinations Among Bonobos - Quotes are
Humans' close primate relative, the bonobo, shows a large amount of intergenerational sexual behavior. [...]
Yet, the specific context in which intergenerational sex occurs among captive bonobos suggests an important additional function, which also applies to this species' intra-generational sex. Socio-sexual behavior occurs in all possible age and sex combinations as a mechanism of re-assurence and appeasement. This function of sexual behavior patterns does not interfere with the fertilization function of these patterns, because males appear to limit penetration and ejaculation to contacts with mature females.
Chapter 22
Erotic Age Orientation: A Conclusion - Jay R. Feierman -
Full text is given. Here below the "Conclusions" from this
chapter "A Conclusion":
If Not But For the Grace of God and Natural Selection . . . .
In the course of professional work over the past 13 years, this author/editor has had the opportunity to attend, in numerous jurisdictions within the continental United States, sentencing hearings for pedo- and ephebophiles who have been found guilty of pedo- or ephebosexual behavior. During such hearings, because the individuals who were being sentenced were public figures of high social status in their respective communities, media, especially television, nearly always were present.
At the conclusion of such hearings, one could appreciate the meaning of the term "judgemental," inasmuch as virtually all sentences were handed down within the framework of castigating and derogatory comments. Such comments, I believe, are what the larger social group wanted to hear, along with the sight of television footage or newspaper photographs of the publicly humiliated, submissively postured defendant waiting to be banished.
Often I have wondered during such times whether the sentencing judge would be able to meet his own standards of continence if the object of his own adult male sexual desires were similarly illegal.Acceptance
Pedo- and ephebophiles with strong religious convictions, which is the population with which I am the most familiar, often take solace in their belief that "this is the way God made me." Most pedo- and ephebophiles with whom I have had contact over the years have begrudgingly accepted the reality that the object of their sexual desires is socially proscribed as illegal. Most, I believe, could have lawfully lived with this reality with a little help before their downfall.
Most were not given the opportunity to receive this help, however, because of the way that their behavioral proclivities were received by their societies. Perhaps much of this reception was a result of the lack of understanding of pedo- and ephebophilia. I hope so.
June 2014
O'Hear, Michel M,
Panic; Federal Sentencing Reporter, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp.
69–77, 2009, Vera Institute of Justice - Editor's Observations.
The account of recent developments that unfolds in these pages may be
viewed as yet another chapter in the story of a child sex abuse panic that
is now well into its third decade.
- In Part I of these Editor’s Observations, I identify some of the key themes that emerge from the articles in this issue.
- In Part II, I suggest some reasons why the sex crime panic has proven so durable, while another panic that also reached a fever pitch in the mid-1980s, the crack cocaine panic, seems to have subsided.
- Finally, in Part III, I discuss a lesson that may be drawn from the various American crime panics: while it may be unreasonable to expect legislators to resist the pressure for increasingly punitive responses to problems that arouse widespread public alarm, the harmful effects of excessive or misdirected responses may be contained through the use of sunset provisions when new crimes or mandatory minimum sentences are created.
May 2014
Brunoz, O.; On
Boy-Love - Paedophilia; Historical and Scientific Perspectives;
The following text is the first translation into English of the Dutch book
Pedofilie, published in 1960. Note that the author
defines 'boy' as "a sexually mature non-adult. The reader will
do well to keep this definition in mind, ...". Thus, what he calls
'paedophilia' is not attraction to the prepubescent child - especially boy
- but to the pubescent and adolescent boy - just that what we nowadays
give the name 'hebephilia'.
The purpose of this study was to bring to light various aspects of paedophilia, and to point out how difficult a phenomenon it is to assess. It must again be stressed that before we are able to discuss the moral aspects, it is necessary to agree on both the circumstances of paedophile relationships and the principles of sexual ethics as a whole. That is still a long way off.
Aside from the question of whether or not sexual activities between boys and men will ever win ethical acceptance, I believe, as expressed in the preceding pages, that paedophile relationships do exist which are largely or wholly lacking in favorable aspects and therefore destined to exert a bad influence on the boy. But I also believe that the importance of harm is exaggerated, and the bad effects very often are not the result of the usually mentioned causes.
It has surely been proven by various experts, from ancient Greece onwards, that there are paedophile sexual relationships which either totally, or almost totally, do no harm. If it becomes possible to accept these ethically as positive relationships or at least, making an analogy with pubertal masturbation, as a more or less harmless practice, then it is also possible to argue that they could be a source of happiness and benefit to both man and boy. I do not presume to answer the questions I have raised, or even to suggest the answers. I only hope that I have succeeded in opening the discussion.
Finkelhor, David, The
Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse; Preventing Child
Maltreatment Volume 19 Number 2 Fall 2009
David Finkelhor examines initiatives to prevent child sexual abuse,
which have focused on two primary strategies: offender management
and school-based educational programs. [...]
Although [offender management strategies] win approval from both the
public and policy makers, little evidence exists that they are effective
in preventing sexual abuse.
Moreover, these initiatives, cautions Finkelhor, are based on an overly
stereotyped characterization of sexual abusers as pedophiles, guileful
strangers who prey on children in public and other easy-access
environments and who are at high risk to re-offend once caught.
In reality the population is much more diverse. Most sexual abusers are
not strangers or pedophiles; many (about a third) are themselves
juveniles. Many have relatively low risks for re-offending once caught.
Finkelhor explains that school-based educational programs teach children
such skills as how to identify dangerous situations, refuse an
abuser’s approach, break off an interaction, and summon
The programs also aim to promote disclosure, reduce
self-blame, and mobilize bystanders.
Considerable evaluation research exists about these programs, suggesting
that they achieve certain of their goals. [...]
Finkelhor also points to evidence that supports counseling strategies both
for offenders, particularly juveniles, to reduce re-offending, and
for victims, to prevent negative mental health and life course outcomes
associated with abuse.
April 2014
Dolesal, Curtis & Carballo-Dieguez, Alex,
Childhood sexual experiences and the perception of abuse among Latino men who have sex with men.
The Journal of Sex Research. Volume: 39. Issue: 3, 2002
This paper is based on interviews with men who have had childhood sexual experiences with an older partner (CSEOP). At the time of the interview, some of these men felt that their experiences were childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and some did not.
It is clear that early sexual contact is common among these men. Fifty-nine percent had had some sexual/genital contact prior to their 13th birthday.
There is a substantial amount of sexual activity at a young age with older partners that is not perceived to be abusive by the men who experienced it. For this sample of men, a perception of abuse is associated with coercion and the age of the child.
January 2014
Rivas, T., Positive Erinnerungen
- [.PDF
Fälle von positiven Erinnerungen an erotische und platonische Beziehungen und Kontakte von Minderjährigen mit Erwachsenen gesehen aus der Perspektive des früher Jüngeren.
Herausgeber: Ipce, 2014 - Übersetzung: Filip Schuster
Filip, Lexikon
der Pädophilie-Irrtümer; 489 Seiten
Beim Thema Pädophilie ist die gegenwärtige Bevölkerung ähnlich aufgeklärt
und reflektiert wie die Bevölkerung des Mittelalters beim Thema
Homosexualität. Aber Gott sei Dank gibt es die Wissenschaft, die sich den
Irrungen und Wirrungen der Zeiten zumindest teilweise entziehen kann und
aufgrund ihrer ausgefeilten Untersuchungsmethoden oft tiefe Einblicke in
ideologisch umstrittene Themen ermöglicht. In diesem Buch werden die
Ergebnisse vieler empirischer Studien zur Liebe und zur Sexualität
zwischen Minderjährigen und Erwachsenen beschrieben, so dass Sie sich auf
einen hoffentlich interessanten und tiefgründigen Blick hinter die
Kulissen der sexualpolitischen Korrektheit freuen können.
July 2013
Nicolaï, N. J., The
Consequences of Sexual Abuse of Minors - On behalf of the
Commission for Examination of Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Roman-Catholic
Church [* in the Netherlands]; In: Rapport Commissie Deetman,
Balans, 2011, Part 2. Summary and conclusions in English by Frans E J
Gieles, PhD.
In this essay, sexual abuse is, conform the scientific and
juridical mores, defined as "... sexual-genital manipulation of a
child below the age of sixteen, by an adult of whom the child is dependent
or with whom he or she has a relationship of confidence, with the aim of
satisfaction of the sexual need of the first. [...] There is an age
difference, and/or a difference in power, by which the child is not able
to refuse the sexual contact, which is not consensual."
Research of the later consequences of sexual abuse is done in three phases
or generations of research.
The most recent research explores what has appeared to be the most
central factor: disturbance of the stress regulation.
There is consensus about harm for the physical and emotional health,
especially the attachment and sexuality, even if the consequences
are invisible at first sight. They are just like a time bomb,
that explodes as soon as, in adulthood, the impact of the events becomes
Chen, Laura P. et al. - Sexual abuse and lifetime diagnosis of psychiatric
disorders -
Systematic review and meta-analysis
Mayo Clinic Proceedings, July 31, 2011
There was no statistically significant association between sexual abuse and a diagnosis of schizophrenia or somatoform disorders.
No longitudinal studies that assessed bipolar disorder or
obsessive-compulsive disorder were found.
Associations between sexual abuse and depression, eating disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorder were strengthened by a history of rape.
Conclusion: A history of sexual abuse is associated with an increased risk of a lifetime diagnosis of multiple psychiatric disorders.
Ira L.; Alice
in Wonderland: Sexual Upbringing in America; Prometheus Books -
Chapter 2
We can't stop our children from
finding out about types of sexuality that we don't like. But if we
openly and honestly discuss sex with our children, we can help make them
responsible and caring in their own sexual choices regardless of what
today's world exposes them to.
As I will shortly discuss, we know that infants masturbate and children
of all ages explore each other's genitalia. So sex in children is far
from dormant.
Let's be honest about preadolescent sexuality.
If we want to reduce exploitation of children, we have to empower
children. Young people need to know that they have real choices to make
in the area of sexuality. To do that we must develop a pluralistic
rather than a dogmatic approach to sex.
Forbidding or ignoring all child sexuality does not give a child control
over his or her sexuality. Only when children are given the right to say
yes to some forms of sexual exploration will children feel that they
have the responsibility to say no to other sexual practices.
Randall; The
Seduction of Peter Jay Rudge; Rolling Stone MAGAZINE,
Jan 01 1993
When a thirteen-year-old boy disappeared ... ... with his mother's
forty-year-old [female] friend, the people of Portland thought it was
murder. Then they thought it was something else.
More than a little contention was generated in both the [boy] Rudge and
[woman] Walden households by the amount of time the two spent with each
It had become obvious' that [woman] Diane liked [boy] Peter Jay a lot.
Pete [the boy's father]: "I saw Diane as a big kid herself, someone
who genuinely liked being with children. " & "My kids were
around someone with no boundaries: buy anything, eat anywhere, do
The one point on which both parents agreed was that the obsessive
pattern of Peter's involvement with Diane had to be broken. ...
Thirty-nine nights passed without one word from either Diane or Peter.
It was the fortieth day, ... when Francie answered her phone on the
first ring and spoke to a .... sheriff's detective who told her that
Peter Jay and Diane were alive and well in Atlantic City, ...where they
had been taken into custody by police officers .... "I am 100
percent sure there was nothing sexual,'' the detective told. ... Peter
Rudge denied any sexual activity ...
Peter Jay's personal therapist was a child psychiatrist, Teresa Shelby.
... During December, she twice asked Peter if there had been
"sexual contact'' between him and Diane, Dr. Shelby said, and "each
time he denied any touching.'' ... Peter did say, though, that
Diane was in love with him. ...
[Speaking with his second therapist Leo Munter and his father, Peter
said:] "She would touch my penis, outside my clothing and inside,''
he said. "She would just kind of move it around. She would ask if
it felt good.'' ... "I didn't know what to feel about what had
happened.'' ...
Peter remembered: "She said, whatever happened, I couldn't say
that she and I had sexual contact, because she would face more time in
jail. I said I wouldn't tell."
[The trial:] A detective wrote in his notes ... that Peter and Diane
engaged in sex "three or four times a day,'' rather than
"three or four times a week,'' as the boy had testified in
court. ...
Asked by her attorney about the allegations of sexual contact with the
Rudge boy, Mrs. Walden turned to the jury as she answered, "No,
[The verdict:] The jury hearing the case of 'State v. Walden' needed
only a day of deliberation to deliver a verdict local TV news broadcasts
described as "startling'' and "shocking'': Diane was
guilty of custodial interference in the first degree, a felony, but
had been acquitted of having sexual intercourse with a minor, while the
jurors were deadlocked on the charge of sexual touching.
"A lot of the evidence was contrary to the young man's story.''
Efficacy Of Severe Child Pornography Sentencing - Empirical
Validity Or Political Rhetoric? Temple Law Review ..
[USA's] Congress’s appetite for expanding the scope of child pornography
laws and increasing the length of prison sentences for child pornography
offenders endures, despite other officials involved in federal sentencing
questioning the necessity and proportionality of severe sentences.
Emotions run high concerning issues involving the sexual exploitation of
children. Moral panic has led Congress to pursue an ever-expanding federal
regime of broadening the scope of child pornography laws and substantially
increasing the length of sentences.
Based on an assessment of the empirical evidence, the Congressional stance
is best characterized as political rhetoric. Overall, empirical research
fails to establish a correlation, much less a causative link, between
viewing child pornography and contact offenses against children.
Melissa; Public
Safety, Individual Liberty, and Suspect Science; Future Dangerousness
Assessments And Sex Offender Laws; Temple Law Review, Apr 05 2010
In recent decades, federal,
state, and local governments have become increasingly restrictive on the
freedom and privacy of those labeled sexually violent predators (“SVP”s)
in hopes of preventing further sexual violence. The most commonly used
tools to manage SVPs are involuntary commitments for mental
treatment, sex offender registration, and residency restrictions
(hereinafter “SVP laws”).
In an effort to streamline the identification of sex offenders who pose a
future danger and thus might be subject to SVP laws, officials place
substantive legal emphasis on psychosexual evaluations by individuals
accepted as experts. These experts are generally mental health
practitioners who offer opinion evidence about an individual’s potential
for future dangerousness, often using actuarial (statistical calculation
of risk) assessments.
This article critically analyzes whether future dangerousness assessments
using actuarial tools are responsive to legal standards contained in SVP
laws and whether courts, when confronted with such assessments, are
adequately engaging in the gatekeeper role to accept only good science
considering the evidentiary benchmarks of Daubert and Frye.
Specifically, this article concludes that because of uncritical reliance
upon actuarial assessments of future dangerousness, legal professionals
have largely failed to grasp the significant empirical limitations of
these tests.
J., Urbaniok F., Hammermeister LC, Benz C., Elbert T., Laubacher A., et
al.; The
consumption of Internet child pornography and violent and sex offending;
in: BMC Psychiatry, July 14 2009
There is an ongoing debate on whether consumers of child pornography
pose a risk for hands-on sex offenses. Up until now, there have been
very few studies which have analyzed the association between the
consumption of child pornography and the subsequent perpetration of
hands-on sex offenses.
The aim of this study was to examine the recidivism rates for hands-on
and hands-off sex offenses in a sample of child pornography users using
a 6 year follow-up design.
Consuming child pornography alone is not a risk factor for committing
hands-on sex offenses – at least not for those subjects who had never
committed a hands-on sex offense. The majority of the investigated
consumers had no previous convictions for hands-on sex offenses. For
those offenders, the prognosis for hands-on sex offenses, as well as for
recidivism with child pornography, is favorable.
Goldstein, Joshua R.; A
Secular Trend toward Earlier Male Sexual Maturity - Evidence
from Shifting Ages of Male Young Adult Mortality.
Improved nutrition and disease environments have generated substantial increases in human body
size over recent centuries. A decline in the age of menarche, the measuring point for the onset of
female sexual maturity, has also been well documented. A similar shift to earlier ages of sexual
maturity for males has been hypothesized, but evidence of a long-term trend has been elusive.
The secular trend toward younger menarche can be documented because individual health records
recording first menstruation can be compared over time. For males, however, no such comparable
medical evidence exists.
The research reported here takes an indirect approach to measuring males' age of sexual maturity.
June 2013
Rubin, Gayle S., Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality; 1984
In this essay, first published in 1984, Rubin argues that in the
West, the 1880s, the 1950s, and the contemporary era have been periods of
sex panic, periods in which the state, the institutions medicine, and the
popular media have mobilized to attach and oppress all whose sexual tastes
differ from those allowed by the currently dominative model of sexual
She also suggests that during the contemporary era the worst brand of the
oppression has been borne by those who practice s/m or cross-generational
Rubin maintains that we are to devise a theory to account for the
outbreak and direction of sexual panics, we shall need to base the theory
on more than just feminist thinking. Although feminist thinking explains
gender injustices, it does not and cannot provide by itself a full
explanation for the oppression of sexual minorities.
February 2013
Ipce Magazine # 6, February 2013
- Theme: Civil Commitments Ipce Magazine # 5 - Theme:
Sexually active youth
Dannecker, Martin, Gewaltlos pädosexuelle Begegnungen und Beziehungen sind, trotz der im letzten Absatz erhobenen kritischen Einwände, nichts Monströses. [...] Except for some figures, who now are given in a temporary format, Vogt's book is now completed with ...
When the subject is human beings, scientific conceptions contain implicit or explicit fundamental assumptions about the relationship between the individual and the environment. In the following, the operational-psychology framework underlying the present study will be outlined. Tied into this is the goal of staking out a theoretical position on concepts of health, illness and self that emphasizes the transactional relationship between the individual and the environment. and ... In the following the "isolated minority syndrome" among sexually marginal groups and the social situation of pedophilically-oriented persons is broadly outlined and the heightened demand-structure connected with it is considered within a behavioral psychology conceptual framework.
This article examines how civil commitment
has been rolled out in the case of the sex offender, and focuses on the
implementation of the program in the US and the controversy that has
been spawned as a result. [...]
The term ‘mental disorder’ has been
expanded therefore to include ‘mental abnormality’, to enable sex
offenders to be committed civilly.
Youth actually is sexually active. In our society, over-filled with
sexual images and scenes - if not at least an obsession - this not seen as
a sign of natural development, a right or a joy, but as a problem. Just
this vision raises problems. There are better visions.October 2012
Who needs repression? Normal memory processes can explain 'forgetting' of childhood sexual
In: The Science Review of Mental health Practice, Vol. 4, Number 2,
Fall-winter 2005-2006, pp 66 - 73.
Letter from an Ipce-member to Ipce, critisizing Susan Clancy's book
and essay about the Trauma myth.July 2012
Bemerkungen zur strafrechtlichen Behandlung der Pädosexualität
Aus: Beiträge zur Sexualforschung Bd. 62; Jager, Herbert; Bollinger,
Lorenz & Schorsch, Eberhard; "Sexualwissenschaft und
Strafrecht"; F. Enke 1987; ISBN 3-432-96011-5
Die Pönalisierung verstärkt ferner die Schuldgefühle der Erwachsenen, mit denen sich das Kind identifiziert. Unbestreitbar führt das zu zusätzlichen psychischen Belastungen der Kinder, die eine sexuelle Beziehung mit einem Erwachsenen haben.
философии (отделение
в органе
(DGfS) "Beiträge zur Sexualforschung" (в
1987 г. "Sexualwissenschaft und Strafrecht": ISBN
3-432-96011-5); также в
книге М.
"Das Drama der Sexualität".
Vogt's book completed
Ch. 2) Underlying Concepts of Health, Illness, and Self
Chapter 3
Pedophilia as an Example of Norm-Deviant Sexuality and Concomitant Demand-Structures
In the opinions of Fog (1992) and Gieles (2001), sensible offers of therapy or counseling for pedophiles will recognize that the clients are to be supported in accepting their sexual feelings, and that an attempt will be made to enhance self-esteem.
According to Fog (1992), Steinacher (1999), and Gieles (2001), self-help groups are of great significance to those concerned and represent the most important single resource. Conversely, they are just as important in protecting children from violence.
The function of pedophile self-help groups essentially lies in their consciousness-making and personality-stabilizing effect. Meetings of self-help groups are often held at locations where, for the first time, those affected can share their needs and inclinations in a protected setting, without fear of rejection or repression; they are thereby able to realize that they are not alone.
Participants see that their self-consciousness is enhanced, and experience social support. Moreover, through the group, participants get the chance to reflect on their own behavior towards children and, if necessary, to change it.
In summary, we can say with confidence that pedophilic persons are, due to their difficult social situation, exposed to heightened demand-structures. Because of isolating social conditions, the ability to act competently may be impaired. Since scarcely any social resources are available, greater degrees of health-related impairments, along with a negative self-concept as a moderator variable, are to be expected.
Graupner, Helmut
Jugendschutz und Menschenrechten
Nach der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte und des österreichischen Verfassungsgerichtshofs schützen die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention und die österreichische Bundesverfassung das Recht von Kindern und Jugendlichen auf sexuelle Selbstbestimmung in umfassender Weise, nämlich sowohl das Recht auf wirksamen Schutz vor ungewollter Sexualität als auch das Recht zu gewollter Sexualität
Next parts of Vogt's book
Defining Characteristics of Pedophilia
"In this study, pedophilia is regarded not as a sexual preference disorder, but rather an a priori sexual orientation [...].
The underlying psychological and sexual-science perspective on the concept of pedophilia follows the property paradigm. [...]
It is virtually incompatible with the criminological viewpoint and sexual abuse paradigm, and therefore needs to be distinguished from them. [...]
The fundamental problem with these paradigms lies in the fact that the pedophilia concept becomes understood, almost exclusively, as a behavioral category. [...]
The essential components of human sexuality are not merely observable sexual activities, but also erotic-sexual fantasies, feelings, and emotional connections. [...]
These are not criminally prosecutable, and are correspondingly not a primary focus. [...]
Pedosexual relationships, however, usually cannot be reduced to sexual practices, but instead are quite often far more complex phenomena.
[... T]he sexual aspect of these normally friendship-based relationships is, from a scientific and non-scientific perspective, usually very strongly over-emphasized, at the expense of their socio-emotional features. A portion of pedophilic relationships end up being asexual. [...]
The abuse paradigm is the source of many difficulties in the scientific as well in non-scientific spheres.
In the future, Griesemer's integrative causal theory could represent a potential alternative/complement to the widely-diffused simplistic analytical and feminist models, in which a solid empirical basis for the pedophile population is totally absent."