Some of you might have noticed that I haven't posted in two weeks. I noticed too. I thought I might defer an explanation until I had something definitive to say about why and to lay out a course for the future. No such clarity has come to me, though I can say a few things:

I ran out of topics I was eager to write about. Some bloggers will make the same point over and over again, perhaps inspired by recent news. I'm neither an avid follower of the news nor someone inclined to repeat things -- if I said them once, why say them again? While I realize there has been some overlap in the topics I've posted to date, almost every post adds something new. If you'd like me to consider an issue, send me an email at [email protected]

Maybe I should assemble the posts so far into a logical structure and post an outline of links. It could be the outline of a book: Thoughts on Pedophilia From a Celibate Pedophile. Maybe such an outline would reveal holes and inspire me to make posts to fill them in.

But I've also noticed a lull in my eagerness to write about anything on this subject. Comments are few, lively discussions rare. I'll get 100 hits on a good day, while 30 is far more typical.

Initially I posted roughly every other day, then went to twice a week. But now, until further notice, this has become an "occasional blog" that will get posts when I feel like making them.


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