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Varnell, Paul, La pederastia no es griega para los afganos pos-talibán  -     The Wasington Blade, 27 de febrero de 2002 
Hace muchos años que Afganistán y las áreas adyacentes de Asia central han sido vinculados a la homosexualidad, en particular a las relaciones pederásticas (es decir, hombres con jóvenes, normalmente entre quince y dieciocho años). Esto es debido tanto a la segregación e inaccesibilidad de mujeres que a los vínculos fuertes entre varones, generado por las culturas de guerreros islámicos.  
El psicólogo C.A. Tripp, una colega del famoso investigador de sexo Alfred C. Kinsey, una vez opinó que la gran mayoría de hombres afganos tuvieron alguna experiencia homosexual, en su juventud o como hombres maderos, y muchas veces, en ambos. 

Victim's Mother Ask For Registry Changes; wmtw.com, September 13, 2006 
The mother of one of the two men allegedly killed last Easter by a Canadian who sought out sex offenders on the Internet was among those asking Maine legislators on Tuesday to change the state's sex-offender registry. [...] Turner said her son didn't belong on the list, because he was not a dangerous pedophile. She said he was 19 when he had consensual sex with his girlfriend two weeks before her 16th birthday. 

Victor, Jeffrey S., Moral panics and the social construction of deviant behavior: a theory and application to the case of ritual child abuse. Sociological Perspectives, Fall/1998
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In this article, I suggest a rationale for classifying all these forms of collective behavior together as moral panics. The objective of the article is to develop a theory of the causes and transmission of moral panics. The article first presents criteria for identifying moral panics. Secondly, the article presents models for analyzing the social conditions that cause moral panics and lead to the social construction of definitions of deviance. Finally, the article offers principles for understanding the international transmission of moral panics. In order to illustrate the theoretical analysis, the article presents information about the recent moral panic involving criminal accusations of ritual child abuse by secret, satanic cults.

Visser, Ellen de, Transsexual Teen In The Netherlands; Wrong Body….They have that 'pecker'; 'Volkskrant' Magazine, 13 September 2003
"I am Valentin, when you look at me you think I am a girl, but I am not a girl yet!" 
So speaks Valentin who is 13 years old. With gender dysphoric children, like Valentin, their physical gender does not accord with their feelings about themselves. 

Visser, Hans, Pastorate and pedophilia 
by Reverend Hans Visser, Minister of St. Paul's Church, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, , December 18, 1998 at the Symposium: The other side of the medallion [coin].

Visser, Hans, In memoriam Frits Bernard; 28 August 1920 - 23 May 2006; in KOINOS # 51 (2006 #3)
I knew Frits in the last phase of his life, and got to know him as an unusually wise man. At meetings and gatherings his input was always first-class. He was an erudite man, truly an enrichment. His passing is therefore a great loss.I knew Frits in the last phase of his life, and got to know him as an unusually wise man. At meetings and gatherings his input was always first-class. He was an erudite man, truly an enrichment. His passing is therefore a great loss.

In memoriam Frits Bernard; 28. August 1920 – 23. Mai 2006; Hans Visser, in KOINOS # 51 (2006 #3) [Deutsch]
Ich habe Frits in dem letzten Abschnitt seines Lebens erlebt und ihn als einen ungemein klugen Mann kennen gelernt. Bei Versammlungen und auf Tagungen hatte er immer einen sehr bedeutenden Anteil an der Diskussion. Er war ein hochgebildeter Mann, der wirklich eine Bereicherung war. Deshalb ist sein Tod ein großer Verlust.