Statements and short essays

In this section you will find opinions in  few wordings.
None of them is officially an "Ipce Opinion" because Ipce is a forum on which several opinions are present. About these statements however, most of the members will agree.

The Statements are also an invitation to you to read more on the page to where the links you will lead.

Dear Ipce ... Dear Samir ... 
Dear Ipce
My name is Samir,
I am not a paedophile, but I do support the rights of paedophiles. Throughout my childhood I had sex with men, and I have grown up like a normal human being, meaning men fucking me from a very young age did NOT destroy me. I have no mental issues etc.
There are many people like me, males & females who are psychologically sound [...]
My niece .... The plumber ...
Now I don't know what to do ...

Dear Samir
Thanks for your open hearted letter. Pretty for you to remember your experiences as positive. Indeed, there exist 'Positive memories', scientifically proven; see ... [links]
However, there is an 'However'.
There also exist negative memories, problems, harm, also scientifically proven. During acting sexually with a young child, one is not able to foresee the child's memories later, when the child is an adult in its twenties. There is a chance of harm. Thus, in my (and all or nearly all Ipce's members) opinion, do not take the risk....

You would never want to harm a child, would you? 
Association Martijn, Ethical Commission, 
The Netherlands, March 2012


Intimacy can be desired or undesired. Everybody is aware of this. It has become increasingly clear how serious and long-lasting the effects of undesired intimacy can be. However besotted you may be with a child, that does not make the child your property. The child belongs to the child. But... maybe it is possible for you to have a close relationship with the child.

The Martijn Association advises all its members to observe the law and to act in accordance with the following guidelines. Exercise integrity in all situations involving children while respecting: 

  1. Consent: the consent of both in every contact.
  2. Freedom: freedom for the child to end the contact if desired.
  3. Harmony: acting in accordance with the child’s development.
  4. Openness: openness towards the parents, especially in the case of young children.

Important ethical criteria 
Including: A role for the parents or care-takers 
Quote: "From a moral standpoint, this inevitably means that, for the time being, it is, in general, not a good idea (for an adult) to engage in consensual 'pedophile' relationships with minors."

A Boylove Code of Ethics
Every man who has an innate love of boys is not necessarily qualified to be a boylover. The role of a boylover in a young boy's life is one of immense responsibility, very much akin to that of a father. The boy's best interest, and his future as well as present well being, must always be of paramount importance to the boylover.

False ideologies - Frans Gieles, Ipce newsletter e 26, November 2008
"In other words, you found that your view of the world, your ideology, was not right; it was not working?" Alan: "Absolutely, precisely."
What seemed to be science, was unmasked as an ideology. And Alan changed his ideas and practice.

Statement & question about ideology; Frans Gieles, Ipce Newsletter E 25, July 1998
Can science give the answer? No, regrettably not, because all those fears, absurd laws, incarnations, flawed studies and behavior-changing ‘therapies’ are not founded in good science. It is – and this my statementideology.
And here is my question for the coming Ipce Meeting and the reader: How to combat ideology? Yes, first by revealing that it is ideology – but than? What more? How to go further? What to refrain from? What to do?

My principles; By Gerald Moonen, New Zealand 2006
What you will find below is a summing up of my principles and opinions in regards to sexuality as I see it and ‘morality’ laws that we are subjected to in New Zealand. I am also referring to the imbalance of sexuality and violence.

Morality -  Is it Anti-Sexual or Anti-Violence? Gerald Moonen, New Zealand, 2006
There is nothing harmful with consensual sex and intimacy. Personally I see sex and intimacy as a glorification of the Creator. But I can see a lot of harm being done by our violent society. They still bend over backwards to justify their disgusting violent behaviour.
So next time you use the term “right or wrong”, or hear someone else use it, do correct it and ask “is it harmful?” That is the true moral question and by doing that it will change your moral perspective.

Factoids and the Sex Abuse Panic; Jay Baskins - renewed version, June 2007
A factoid is a statement of presumed fact that people believe to be true because they hear it repeated over and over. Here are a few examples of common factoids.

Ethics and intimacy in intergenerational relationships ; ‘First, do no harm’,By Dr Frans Gieles, In: Ipce newsletter E 17, June 2004
Since 1993, Ipce members had discussions about ethics during their meetings.
I have listened to the members.
In this article, I will summarize and update the salient points of several opinions I have heard from 1993 until 2004.

Protection of innocence? Tom O'Carroll, 2000.
Nowadays, children are in a remarkably analogous position to that of the white women who used to be "protected" by lynch mobs of Ku Klux Klansmen in the American South. The dominant white male culture of the old South in the slavery era held that women, like today's children, were not sexual beings; they were pure. [...]
Nowadays, the locus of sexual anxiety has shifted towards children. As this anxiety has been cranked up and up in recent decades, we have been seeing increasingly repressive measures designed not to protect children themselves but to protect the myth of childhood innocence in which society has invested so heavily.

The demonisation process
The laws speak only of the protection of children, not the thoughts and desires of potential offenders.
But law enforcement officers speak a different language, a language shared with politicians and the media in the last quarter century, during which the child porn laws have been developed. It is the language of demonisation, in which the word "paedophilia" has popularly come to symbolise pure, undiluted evil, with the implication that nothing must be allowed to stand in the way of a ruthless war to bring about its extirpation. It is a language in which police, politicians and journalists have colluded to link unreasonably a particular sexual orientation with moral degeneracy and high levels of harm.

Universal sexual human rights
Source: Conference Report of the Fourteenth World Congress of Sexology
23-27 August 1999, Hong Kong
Chosen as a basic statement for Ipce at the Meeting 2000.

  • Universales derechos sexuales humanos
    Fuente: Relato del décimo cuarto congreso mundial de sexología, del 23 al 27
    de agosto de 1999 en Hong Kong.
    Seleccionado como planteamiento básico de la Ipce en en encuentro del año

Love in a Slave Society, by Jay Baskins
Is it ever advisable or even ethical, to allow sexual expression to the love feelings a man might have for a boy?

The Repression of Eros
The repression of Eros in children ultimately leads to the creation of violent, empty citizens who are alienated from their real needs and wishes and who are all to willing to persecute and even kill enemies of various kinds. A society based on the repression of Eros requires enemies.

  • Unterdrückung des Eros 
    Die Unterdrückung des Eros der Kinder führt im Endeffekt dazu, gewalttätige, innerlich leere Bürger heranszubilden, die ihren wahren Bedürfnissen entfremdet sind und die gerne bereit sind, verschiedene Arten von Feinden zu verfolgen und sogar zu töten. Eine Gesellschaft, die auf der unterdrückung des Eros basiert, benötigt Feindbilder.
  • Represión del Eros, De W.R.
    La represión del Eros de los niños lleva, a la larga, a la creación de ciudadanos violentos y vacíos, alienados de sus necesidades y deseos reales y ansiosos de perseguir y hasta matar a enemigos de varios tipos. Una sociedad basada en la represión del Eros necesita enemigos.

The Turning point
... "If that is true, then one of the best ways of saving children from being abused by pedophiles would be to help those pedophiles to make that choice, take that step. And who could do so better than those who have already taken that step? The pedophiles who have found that there are more ways than just the sexual ones to enjoy children - ways that are not just harmless, but even beneficial." ...

  • Der Wendepunkt
    Wenn das wahr ist, so würde eine der besten Weisen, um Kinder davor zu schützen, mißbraucht zu werden, darin bestehen, daß man den Pädophilen bei einem solchen Schritt hilft. Und wer könnte das besser als jene, die es geschafft haben? Jene Pädophilen, die verstanden haben, daß es mehr Möglichkeiten gibt, sich an Kindern zu erfreuen, als nur den der Sexualität. Möglichkeiten, die nicht nur harmlos, sondern sogar nützlich sind. [...]
  • El Punto de Volver
    [...] Si esto es verdad, entonces unas de los formas de salvar a los niños de abuso de pedófilos seria ayudar esas pedófilos hacer este selección. Y quien lo podría hacer mejor que los que han tomado este paso? Los pedófilos que han descubierto que hay mas formas de disfrutar a los niños al lado de los sexuales, maneras que no son solo inocuo pero aun ventajoso. [...]

About Friendship
Everyone you know was a stranger at one time. There is always a risk that the next new person you meet will not be friendly to you but the reward that comes from giving people a chance is worth it.

About identity
Does sexual identity exist? Homo-, hetero-, bisexuals, pedophile identity: do these exist in reality, or are they only constructions of a limited mind? Is there a sense or a value in these concepts, or are these concepts only oppressing and upsetting people? Is there a way to climb out of these narrow ways of thinking?

  • Über Identität
    Existiert so etwas wie sexuelle Identität tatsächlich? Homo-, hetero-, bisexuelle und pädophile Identitäten: gibt es sie in der Wirklichkeit oder sind sie nur Einbildungen beschränkter Köpfe ?
    Nutzen sie etwas, haben diese Begriffe einen Inhalt oder unterdrücken sie nur die Menschen und machen sie unglücklich? Wie kann man dieser Sackgasse entfliehen?
  • De Identidad 
    ¿Existe la identidad sexual? Homo-, hetero-, bisexual, identidad pedofílico: estos existen de verdad, son solamente construcciones de una mente limitada? Hay un sentido o un valor en estos conceptos, o están estos conceptos oprimiendo y desquiciando a la gente? Hay una forma de superar de estas formas de pensar limitados? 

Spike: Be a role model
A youngster speaks on his web site.

David: Stop protecting me!
A youngster speaks on his web site.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who shall guard the guards?)
In memoriam: Edward Werner, 11 years And the well-being of Sam Manzie, 15 years, By Frans NL, translated from the Dutch NVSH Lwg JORis Newsletter
The author wants to share with the readers a story and the questions that raised.

  • Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Dem Gedenken an Edward Werner, 11 Jahre alt, und um das Wohl von Sam Manzie, 15 Jahre alt.
    Von Frans NL, aus dem Newsletter der NVSH Lwg JORis;
  • Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? En memoria: Edward Werner, 11 años, Y el bien-estar de Sam Manzie, 15 años. 
    Escrito por Frans NL, traducido del periódico  Holandesa NVSH Lwg JORis

Sam Manzie's price winning essay about friendship
A youngster speaks on his web site.

A Call to safeguard our children and our liberties.
A Letter from Boston, USA, June 1998, signed by many persons.

  • Aufruf zum Schutz unserer Kinder und unserer Freiheiten
    Boston MA/USA, im Juni 1998
    Dies ist die Erklärung einer freien Gruppe von Erziehern, Beschäftigten im Gesundheitswesen, Bewährungshelfern und anderen sozial engagierten Personen aus Boston und Umgebung. Der Aufruf wird zur Diskussionsanregung und Unterzeichnung an weitere Privatleute und Organisationen versandt.
  • Una Llamada a salvaguadar nuestros niños y nuestras libertades
    {Ésta es la declaración de un grupo informal de educadores, trabajadores de salud, trabajadores del sistema de justicia criminal y otros activistas, la mayor parte de la ciudad de Boston y el Noreste de los Estados Unidos.}

Wrong Word & Concept
My proposal is that we not talk about "pedophilia," but about intimacy in relationships between young and old, and in doing so to indicate clearly what one means."

  • Über den Begriff 'Pädophilie'
    Mein Vorschlag wäre also, nicht von Pädophilie zu reden, sondern von Intimität in Beziehungen, die Alt und Jung umfassen, und dabei klar zu sagen, was man meint.
  • De 'pedofilia' como un concepto
    Mi propuesta es que no hablamos de 'pedofilia', sino de intimidad en relaciones entre joven y adolescente o adulto; y en hacerlo indicar claramente lo que uno quiere decir.

Dos mundos distintos: Diferencia entre abuso sexual y relaciones consentidas; Asociación Pedófila Danesa

La tabla siguiente aparecía en el sitio web, hoy inexistente, de la Asociación Pedófila Danesa, donde formaba parte de la sección titulada «Dos mundos distintos», en la que se explicaban las diferencias entre abuso sexual infantil y relaciones consentidas. En su página, la Asociación precisaba que hay que «suponer la existencia de una gran “zona gris” entre las dos situaciones opuestas que se describen» en estos once puntos.
Publicada originalmente en varios idiomas, por su interés la hemos rescatado y traducido: ....